Gaming Now

12 Months of Games released in 2013 – January and February

Every year there are a bunch new IPs, franchise games and awful movie tie-ins released on console, PC and Mobile and the games released in 2013 are no different. I plan to give you at least 1 brilliant game to play for every month of the year, it doesn’t matter what platform it’s on, all that matters is that the game looks like it’s shaping up as the best game of the month. I’m not counting the exact dates, because they are subject to change, but I do plan on making sure the game is at least available to play and relatively freshly released during the month or as close to the beginning of the month as possible. A new game that everyone is loving is overwatch, I recently found out about this website that does Overwatch boosting to help make your gaming experience better.

Best Games for January 2013

The only big game I can see set for release in January 2013 is Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. It’s actually not even that big of a title so I’m gonna cheat (on my first month as well! haha) and jump back to a game from December 2012 and say the best game for you to play in January is one that had an early December release: Far Cry 3. It’s actually not to my taste but from the looks of things it’s still the biggest game in January considering it ended 2012 at the number 1 spot for sales.

Best Games for February 2013

The games list for February picks up tremendously from January. There’s at least 3 amazing games – 2 franchises and a sort of movie tie-in that actually looks really good – and I can’t really pick a winner from them. Bioshock: Infinite (Bioshock 3) and Dead Space 3 are the Franchises and there’s also Aliens: Colonial Marines. Colonial Marines has suffered many setbacks, initially planned for release last year having the dates moved at least twice, but it’s got a lot of hype around it. If I were to hazard a guess the biggest selling game in February 2013 will probably be Bioshock although I’d prefer if Dead Space 3 got a lot more coverage.


Bioshock: Infinite delayed till March 26th, expect to see it in the March games list.