[2011-11-17 07:44AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> hello
[2011-11-17 07:53AM UTC] #c4e <c4eva> a solution to the per console ap25 is being worked on, as un-modded boxes are affected, will monitor the situation to see if there is a rollback
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Thank you c4eva for all your hard work.
Which means no hitachi this month.
But if xval has already said ive been flagged does mean im screwed right c4? Or will there be a way to undue these system changes soon?
But if xval has already said ive been flagged does this mean im already screwed c4? I had gotten online just for a second after case modding my 360 yesterday. Just to make sure i had connected my blaster back together correctly. Afterwards was when i had seen the warnings. Or will there be a way to undue these system changes soon? Thanks C4
Well.. hopefully theres a rollback or way to reverse this… if not… oh well, I think we all know what we're getting ourselves into when doing this. Either way, C4eva is the man.. Thanks for all you've done
Thats why im glad i have one modded, one unmodded and a ps3 with the legit version of the games i burn for xbox……I love the thrill of seeing how these things play out…C4eva you're a genious and I hope you come up with a work around till then i shall play family feud 2012 it still works.
yeah man i'm in the same boat /w you. unfortunately my benq got hit with a flag, liteon has been offline for over 2 years and is clean though, gonna miss my benq she served me well
trololol hitachi owners trolled hardcore, hitachi fw was never in testing take that!
my console had dae.bin updated, the AP25 not run longer, will have solution?
as far as there being a rollback ive talked to a lot of people with unmodded boxes…when they call M$ and say they have problems reading mw3 microsoft says they need to send it in and get a new laser for $100. Doesnt sound like theyre thinking of a rollback on this update
c4eva i know this anoying and maybe you will answer to all of us whit "soon", it will be ready this week hitachi firm??? by the way thanks for all the hard work, you rule…p.d. can i send you a doubt about flashing a liteon 0225 by email????