[2011-11-17 07:44AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> hello
[2011-11-17 07:52AM UTC] #fw <skynets> c4eva if ms can update dae anytime it wants does that mean it's over for modders?
[2011-11-17 07:54AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> skynets:no
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Wow this is incredible. After. A while of waiting for some news of C4Eva on Hitachi and still no news yet he spoke an hour ago and nothing wow!
well the new dea is kinda a priority now so i wouldnt expect the fw for awhile unfortunately
There is always one retarded comment. Yes – the dae.bin problem, should be the priority now. Its a case you should never bite the hand that feeds you.
your a d**k buddy you should watch how you talk to these people
D09 – I am also waiting for some news about Hitachi and there is only moaning of people already playing XGD3 on Live
Not anymore. doubt anyone playing xgd3 online now unless they have the original
jesus give it a rest about hitachi, you should count yourselfs lucky
yeah because hitachi owners wont have to worry about ap25.
most of them wont no
sorry i cant count on c4eva anymore..
why its not his fault ms are playing hard ball and he has stated a fix is in the works, jesus what more do you want?????
why dont you go out there and take on MS by your self and write your own firmware if c4 is so unreliable. this man is a genius and so is the entire xecuter team and that all can just wipe their hands of this anytime they want and leave us hanging but they dont they keep working to make us happy with no monetary gain so why dont you keep your mouth shut cause the negative comments arent needed
moaning about not getting your free firmware sooner is like moaning about getting £100 for free and complaining that they gave you it in £20 notes!!!
ok just have 1 question, i have a Sammy SM25, do i have to worry for this a.p25? dont know if its the same as the ones on the old games
Sammy and older hitachi drives dont have AP25 built in. so therefore no you dont need to worry.
if the sm25 is spoofed as a sm28 with LT2.0 then yes u will get flagged. My MS25 with LT2.0 will not load xgd3 backups anymore
= flagged
try manually spoofing the drive and select MS28. My sammy MS25 is working fine playing on mw3 with no problems.
My sammy is running strong on lt 2.01
all my full burns are working and truncated
mw3, skyrim, saints row 3rd, assassins etc.
Come on! where is hitachis? are you kidding me? what will do the testers? 8 days from latest c4eva sayd hitachi bug found and fixed = re-testing. you much days you want for testing? 1 month? omg!
booo hoooo
@kmos i wish i could strangle you until your eyes popped outta socket for asking that question after all the crap the rest of us have gone through these past 24 hours, sammy has no ap2.5 checks you fkn n00b!
MIcrosoft epic win :S O.o
what i want to know is are xgd2 non ap25 games safe for xbl???
good question i'd also like to know that.
ya all NON ap2.5 games are safe just dpont even attempt tp insert an ap2.5 and xbgd3
cool i'm using lt plus 1.91 on a hitachi 78/79 btw
78/79 has ap 2.5
Some xgd2 games have ap25 e.g. black ops, halo reach etc. Newish games have ap25, i think. If you have a sammy or older hitachi they dont have ap25. btw i have a sammy, for the win!!!
i thought about replacing my box a while back for a benq or liteon..
glad i stuck with the sammy..