all 142 comments

[–]FlyingCoffin 174 points175 points ago

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Now buy your little brother The Binding of Isaac. Just like old-school Zelda games.

He should really enjoy it.

[–]MyifanW 44 points45 points ago

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I don't know if he's ready for vagina lasers, though

[–]Simba7 10 points11 points ago

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I always thought of those as asshole lasers.

[–]ircarlton 2 points3 points ago

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Since he already has The Frosting of Isaac, he would have a set!

[–]Simba7 4 points5 points ago

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He definitely will. It's got a lot of added gross-factor (pus-spewing monsters, piles of poo, gas as an attack, mom's pad) that a 10 year old will enjoy extra hard.

Plus it heavily references the story of Abraham and Isaac, so he'll be like "Lol what the fuck the Bible's retarded." Always a plus.

[–]SpiceBro 17 points18 points ago

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Make sure you deliver the game with some awesome BoI themed gifts like a severed cat head and a fetus.

[–]Simba7 2 points3 points ago

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Haha, that'd be great. A shoebox with BoI in it, plus a dead bird, Tammy's head, Max's head, some piss, some shit, an asphyxiated baby, fetuses, flies...*


*Note: Would not actually be a good idea.

[–][deleted] ago*

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[–]ijustwanttotaco 12 points13 points ago

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Only on reddit can a post about a Zelda cake turn into a goddamned religious fight.

[–]OkonkwoJones 2 points3 points ago

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Well, they are family and families tend to do this. It's wrong to tell little kids you don't know what to believe, but family members express religious opinion among each other and it's not really that wrong. I don't believe in forcing family members to accept a certain religion, but it's not bad to say to your little brother, "This game is based on a story from the bible, that shit is ridiculous". It is still ultimately up to the kid to make a choice.

[–]Simba7 -5 points-4 points ago

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I didn't realize presenting an parallel version of a bible story constituted making a choice for someone. I'm sorry the religion lends itself to such a twisted tale, but that's not really my fault is it?

Since you obviously haven't played the game, I'll give you a bit of info on it.

Intro scene: Isaac is sitting there playing with his toys, mom is watching Christian Broadcasts, she hear voice of god telling her Isaac is corrupt. Mom removes isaac's worldy things (toys, pants, etc). Mom goes back to watching TV. Hears god again, tells her Isaac is still corrupt, she locks him in his room. She hears god again telling her Isaac must be killed. As mom kicks down the door to Isaac's room, the main menu screen appears and our game begins. (The game itself follows Isaac's matricidal fantasies and has a couple different endings.)

As a funny anecdote, my dad (very Christian) saw me playing the game when I was visiting his house a while back and asked me what it was, told him, explained it was double interesting because it paralleled the Bible with the whole Abraham telling god to kill Isaac thing. He responds "That doesn't sound very Biblical." and I said "Well... it's in there dad."

[–]meter1060 3 points4 points ago

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Well in the Bible Abraham didn't kill Isaac, nor was it because God considered Isaac corrupt. Really the only parallel is that they were both asked to kill an Isaac.

[–]Simba7 -2 points-1 points ago

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Isaac's mom never kills Isaac (unless you're bad and die to mom!) Couple that with all the religious items (Bible, Revelations, The Wafer, etc), the religious bosses (7 Deadly Sins, 4 Horsemen), the creepy-as-fuck sunday school song that plays when you finally beat Sheol and it's not really arguable.

But "asked, by god, to kill Isaac" is pretty much the entirety of the Biblical story, so I'm not sure what your point is!

[–]meter1060 1 point2 points ago

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I sort of meant that God stopped Abraham from killing him, which I believe, is different in the game.

[–][deleted] ago

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[–]Simba7 -1 points0 points ago

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You caught me, I'm bigoted against the belief that repressing women and homosexuals is OKAY. Feelsbad. It's not bigoted to think a belief is a ridiculous bro, it's bigoted to want to repress that group, or to express animosity towards it. Otherwise we'll have a bunch of ridiculous scenarios like "Oh you think Saudi women should be able to drive like WHORES? Why are you such a bigot?" I mean, would you ever teach your kid that it's possible women shouldn't be allowed to drive because it might lead them to promiscuity?

But no, I suggested it could steer him down the path that he walked on his own and arrive at the logical conclusions he found on his own. Not that there's anything wrong with teaching a kid common sense. If we had you're we, I suppose we'd isolate the poor kid from math and science. Let's let him learn rocket surgery on his own.

Also to quote, you can use this guy >

Ex: > HI

[–][deleted] ago

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[–]Simba7 -4 points-3 points ago

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Oh, atheism is a cirlce-jerk. Ha ha.

Ridicule does not equate to animosity. If a man told me he believed in Leprechauns at age 25, I would laugh at him, and (let's be honest) I would probably think less of him, and I'd probably try to convince him Leprechauns don't exist. But I wouldn't hate him.

In summation: "Respect my beliefs" is a ridiculous notion. If a belief deserves respect, I will give it respect. If that's considered bigotry, then I will gladly proclaim myself a bigot! (Note: It's definitely not considered bigotry.)

[–][deleted] ago

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[–]Simba7 0 points1 point ago

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This was good for some smiles.

[–][deleted] -4 points-3 points ago

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exactly, make him play the binding of isaac!

(don't make him play the binding of isaac, unless your goal is to traumatize a ten year old, then make him play the binding of isaac)

[–]WolfDemon 18 points19 points ago

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Two in one r/gaming karma train special! Legend of Zelda AND a cake!

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points ago

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Is this where I board?

[–]MrBoldMan 0 points1 point ago

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Right here! Just keep your upvotes inside the train at all times.

[–]TheColiny 32 points33 points ago

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I really thought the present was going to have something to do with the binding of isaac. I was wrong

[–]Jared6197 1 point2 points ago

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It was so perfectly worded for that too.
A little kid with the name Isaac involving a game related present.
Also Dead Space, but I was still rooting for The Binding of Isaac.

[–]ayorb 50 points51 points ago

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I thought it was going to be Dead Space =(

[–]Itasuke 5 points6 points ago

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I was hoping for Golden Sun..

[–]Kale187 2 points3 points ago

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[–]TheFlea1 5 points6 points ago

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I was there with you. Disappointing.

[–]ss1gohan13 1 point2 points ago

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Me as well

[–]apfhex 11 points12 points ago

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[–]crocodilekyle55 1 point2 points ago

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[–]GeitzThePhoenix 14 points15 points ago

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You should introduce him to golden sun. Great game and the protagonists name is Isaac

[–]raginmund 5 points6 points ago

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I agree. Golden Sun was my favorite JRPG ever.

[–]creepbg 5 points6 points ago

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[–]Superdude01 13 points14 points ago

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The things you come across when typing ''Zelda cake'' into Google images...

[–]OmniaII 5 points6 points ago

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Dunno who d/v you, but I always check images when someone says " I made this for my xxxxx"






[–]Superdude01 0 points1 point ago

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Eh, maybe I should just let people get on with it. It's up to them if they believe something straight away I suppose.

[–]Durrok 0 points1 point ago

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Warning: Skrillex starts playing after that link loads. Could be awkward in a meeting or late night browsing session.

[–][deleted] ago*

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[–]Superdude01 -3 points-2 points ago

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Ha, while I don't entirely approve of what you're doing I suppose I can't stop you. Enjoy your vast amounts of future karma :P

[–]lolpancakeslol 12 points13 points ago

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OP is full of shit.

[–][deleted] ago

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[–]Kale187 1 point2 points ago

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It's really pretty obvious. I'm surprised so many people fell for it.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point ago

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[–]lolpancakeslol 0 points1 point ago

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It's clearly a novelty account.

[–]OmniaII 5 points6 points ago

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Exactly when did you make this cake set?


Because Google says it's 4 months old.

[–]Krayzed896 5 points6 points ago

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From his name, I was hoping it would be Dead Space.

[–]i_ate_stalin 2 points3 points ago

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Worst Mario cake ever

[–]phasmy 2 points3 points ago

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Was hoping for a Golden Sun reference!

[–]Garwood 2 points3 points ago

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Was I the only one expecting something Golden Sun related?

[–]festering 7 points8 points ago

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I was expecting something related to Dead Space.

[–]allspark117 6 points7 points ago

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"Hey bro, since you're ten now I'm sending on an alien infected ship!"

[–]CFtheGing 5 points6 points ago

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I came in here expecting demented Binding of Isaac plushes.

[–]ShortPoemGuy 6 points7 points ago

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Isaac turns 10

His brother made a link cake

He shared on reddit for men

Now upvote for his sake

[–]e4excellence 1 point2 points ago

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I was hoping his favorite game was The Binding of Isaac... All I feel is disappointment.

[–]HanumanMan 1 point2 points ago

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Your title was good until the last 4 words.

[–]OGLurker 1 point2 points ago

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It's Zelda, of course you did great!!! If you slapped a logo of zelda on dead cat you'd still do great!!!!!!!

[–]Rawshokwave 1 point2 points ago

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Was expecting Golden Sun reference.

[–]jackola 1 point2 points ago

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 ▲   newfags can't triforce.

[–]Antrix32 1 point2 points ago

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I was honestly surprised it wasn't Goldensun

[–]tomjenks1 1 point2 points ago

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I was hoping this would be Golden sun. Then i realized the first two came out about when your brother was born lol

[–]hijessicarose 1 point2 points ago

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Can I be your sibling too?

[–]traditions 1 point2 points ago

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golden sun he will like it.

[–]Smokebluntz 1 point2 points ago

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Anyone else come here expecting a Golden Sun cake?

[–]Rogerwilco1974 1 point2 points ago

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Redditfags can triforce


▲ ▲

[–]ChoirTeacherRog 1 point2 points ago

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And now you've reposted this 5 times claiming other relations to Isaac, trying to karma whore. I'm downvoting you and encouraging everyone else, including those who already upvoted this post - to do the same.

[–]Naniwasopro 1 point2 points ago

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[–]yhelothere 5 points6 points ago

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what a circlejerk

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points ago

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This is becoming a new circlejerk, isn't.

[–]Whata_Turkey 2 points3 points ago

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/end circlejerk

[–]Crabrubber 0 points1 point ago

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What if Zelda was a girl!??!!?

[–]the_Omniscient 1 point2 points ago

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Just make sure your mom doesn't go crazy and attempt to murder your brother, forcing him to retreat into the basement and fight hordes of terrible monsters and demons.

[–]failburn 1 point2 points ago

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Great, seriously, nice work.

edit: I will abide your username as well.

[–]MJtheoffspring 1 point2 points ago

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[–]Fatdude3 1 point2 points ago

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I suggest you and your brother this game.You both will have wonderful time.

[–]zobbas 0 points1 point ago

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Knock him out and put him in a mock-space ship with a bunch of people dressed up as terrifying half-human monsters, so when he wakes up he'll think he has to fight his way out of it to survive. The next step is you dressing up as a large monster, easily overpowering him, and just as he thinks you're about to end his life reveal the cake.

[–]LionDown 0 points1 point ago

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looks good but how did they taste?

[–]Darthbella 0 points1 point ago

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I was expecting a binding of isaac cake ha ha.......

[–]RubSomeFunkOnIt 0 points1 point ago

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How did you make the base layer look like Jupiter's atmosphere?

[–]Panzer_Kavalier 0 points1 point ago

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His favorite game should be Dead Space

[–]QuaereVerumm 0 points1 point ago

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Awww, tape his reaction! I bet he will be so excited to see this.

[–]WorkThrowawaynumber9 0 points1 point ago

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With the name Isaac I was hoping for something from Dead Space; oh well, Link FTW.

[–]Mrducktape 0 points1 point ago

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My name is Isaac and I'm happy now! Look --> :D

[–]agiganticpanda 0 points1 point ago

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I'd like a piece of that!

[–]Zeebez12 0 points1 point ago

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Its really beast

[–]Italian_Barrel_Roll 0 points1 point ago

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2/10 would not bang...

Oh wait, that's a cake. Ok, 7/10 would bang.

[–]ukiyoe 0 points1 point ago

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You done good.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point ago

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You did a good job, but how the hell is is favorite game not Deadspace 2? It's 4.99 on steam today, that'd be a good birthday present.

[–]klaberrduff 0 points1 point ago

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I thought there was seven pieces to the triforce!

[–]Rycerx 0 points1 point ago

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When he is old enough show him Dead Space

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point ago

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shoulda done a golden sun thing, since the main protagonist (and your character) in golden suns name is Isaac.

[–]Heygen 0 points1 point ago

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i too thought you would have done something about binding of isaac for him ;) one of the best games ever btw

[–]emojobo 0 points1 point ago

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I really expected Dead Space for a second.

[–]iPodLurker 0 points1 point ago

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No bad bad

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point ago

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No, you should have given him a needle to stab himself in the eye with.

[–]pie4all88 0 points1 point ago

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You should have made 8 cupcakes--one for each of the shards you have to fish up in Wind Waker!

[–]hijessicarose 0 points1 point ago

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6 cupcakes for the 6 medallions received in OoT.

[–]gabriot 0 points1 point ago

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real fucken good if I do say so myself

[–]manbrasucks 0 points1 point ago

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Good enough for the front page, but not good enough for 1000 karma. I think that's a good enough indicator; no?

[–]liebkartoffel 0 points1 point ago

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Terribly. His name is Ian. 10 long years and you never once got it right.

[–]n3rdalert 0 points1 point ago

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That's great!

How did you make those? It looks like you used fondant.

[–]Squid_Rofel 0 points1 point ago

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Give him the cake, and say something to him about making it whole or something, can't think of any examples right now.

[–]brynsul 0 points1 point ago

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[–]CraKKdxYeti 0 points1 point ago

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now it is time for him to get a master sword

[–]ShakenFiber 0 points1 point ago

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In short, fucking awesome

[–]die_young 0 points1 point ago

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...wish my big sister were as cool as you...

[–]SanityInAnarchy 0 points1 point ago

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Weren't there only three triforces?

[–]DemonJester325 0 points1 point ago

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Do want

[–]lestermoben 0 points1 point ago

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You did a good deed fine sir

[–]Revenge21 0 points1 point ago

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[–]isaac9489 0 points1 point ago

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Upvotes for Isaac :)

[–]dorkian_gray 0 points1 point ago

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You did upvotes-aplenty. That's how you did :)

[–]GearsOfZelda 0 points1 point ago

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That's awesome! I have a little cousin with the same name. He's just one year old, but he'll be playing Zelda someday.

[–]Brash_Attack 0 points1 point ago

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Can I be your little brother?

[–]MiloCanis 0 points1 point ago

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I think you should open a cake shop called "The Cake is a Lie" or "8-Bit Cakes" or "Solid Cake" or something like that so you can take my money.

[–]Zammin 0 points1 point ago

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Methinks thou hast nailed it and then some.

[–]ZanderdanderSpenceri 0 points1 point ago

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:O too cool.

[–]bertomx 0 points1 point ago

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Well done!!!

[–]iheartmybeard 0 points1 point ago

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I'm turning 24 this year. Expecting a similar cake.

[–]JamesTheIII 0 points1 point ago

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should have bought him the binding of isaac.

[–]Tensuke 0 points1 point ago

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Not, like, anything related to Pokémon?

[–]Daedric_Enderman 0 points1 point ago

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please god let your second name be Clarke

[–]Jahenzo 0 points1 point ago

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I was hoping for Dead Space, but I was pleasantly surprised.

[–]McBeastlyPwn 0 points1 point ago

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You're a bad ass. Fuck yeah Zelda Cupcakes! you are most definitely raising him correctly if his favorite game at ten is Zelda.

[–]LChurch 0 points1 point ago

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He's at the right age, give him a copy of Golden Sun ASAP!

[–]Msingh999 0 points1 point ago

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If your brother's 10 and the legend of Zelda is his favorite game your family did a good job raising him

[–]Ikinhaszkarmakplx2 0 points1 point ago

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You did a pretty shitty job.

[–]Antbutter 0 points1 point ago

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He's 10? Shoulda made a charmander, squirtle, and bulbasaur cake. He gets one and your asshole neighbor gets one

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point ago

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Good God those look good.

[–]frankiebassdrop 0 points1 point ago

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You're the best brother. Ever.

[–]DatNord 0 points1 point ago

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A zelda cake? I would have never guessed!

[–]SevenSignz 0 points1 point ago

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Came here for this. Was disappointed. Came to comments, faith in reddit renewed.

[–]yourenzyme -1 points0 points ago

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Was it difficult to resist the temptation to eat them after the picture was taken?

[–]RageGodReed -1 points0 points ago

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[–]makaveli151 1 point2 points ago

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Ok we noticed you, go back to 9gag now.

[–]TheOrcTank -1 points0 points ago

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This just in: redditfags can triforce

[–]Ride_My_Walmart_Pony -1 points0 points ago

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Upvoted for the cute cake. Downvoted for the non-usage of Dead Space references (The little kid's gotta grow up sometime).

So this ends in a wash.

[–]washmo -1 points0 points ago

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[–]enad58 -1 points0 points ago

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It's been 10 years to the day that my friend died of meningitis at 17. He was a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I guess he passed the torch!

[–]sonofmad -2 points-1 points ago

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You are a god, I need to eat them right now, I'd feel terrible at first, but they'd be so delicious :O

[–]Isaacyo94 -2 points-1 points ago

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Thank you.

[–]Ehlmaris -2 points-1 points ago

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I am jealous. Well done!

[–]Techies_OP -1 points0 points ago

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