First Gears of War 3 Campaign DLC “RAAM’S SHADOW” December 13th
“The biggest DLC Epic have ever made” – Cliff Bleszinski
RAAM’s Shadow
The second instlment of DLC for Gears of War 3 is massive, biggest DLC Epic have ever made massive. Promising 3 extra hours of playable campaign RAAM’s Shadow looks set to be a big hit when it hits during the fesitve season on December 13th.
The DLC is set prior to the event of the first Gears of War game. You take controll of Zeta team – dropped into a post-emergence day Sera you are sent to Ilima City to help evacuate and protect the citizens against a Locust Kryll storm. Taking on the infamous Locust leader from Gears 1, General RAAM, Zeta is led by Michael Barrick (from Gears of War comics fame) and comprised of familiar faces such as Lt. Minh Young Kim (Gears 1) and Tai Kaliso (Gears 2) and also includes a new female comrade: Alicia Valera.
This DLC clocks in at a pretty chunky price of 1200 Microsoft Points but as this is the largest DLC ever made by Epic Games I would hazzard a guess at paying that price you will still get more than your average 1200 points purchase.
RAAM’s Shadow also brings a further 6 multiplayer characters, a chocolate weapon skins set and the chance to destroy those Cogs as General RAAM himself.